The Villagepump utilizes Ultra Filtration (UF) technology which filters bacteria’s, viruses (also the corona virus), protozoa and cysts. Diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery and hepatitis are all water borne and cause serious illness and death. Protect your community by eliminating these threats.
Today many places in the world which have no access to clean drinking water are supplied with drinking water in plastic bottles. This is a dilemma, because a lot of the empty bottles eventually end up in nature; resulting in the infamous ‘plastic soup’. Our solution does not pollute. No plastic, no oil, no contaminations. It is operated manually or solar powered.
The Achilles heel for most filter systems is the contamination of the filter resulting in extra maintenance and cost. The Villagepump 500 has an unique and patented valve system with an automated back wash function, which keeps the filter functional. No special instructions are necessary, offering easy operation and low maintenance, resulting in lower costs.
Remote, rural and off grid areas often have no access to safe and clean drinking water. Large plants are expensive and complicated. What smaller communities, which are not connected to centralized systems, need is purified water that helps them fight diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, corona and hepatitis. Villagepump is unique in its design and performance and offers the most cost effective solution on the market.
The installation of the Villagepump is so easy, it is real ‘plug & play’. Within 20 minutes after arrival of the Villagepump on site it can start purifying contaminated water into pure, clean and safe drinking water! And no special skills are necessary; common sense, the manual and simple tools are the only things you need to start you own water purifying (little) plant.
The Villagepump is designed, engineered and manufactured in The Netherlands to meet the highest standards which are needed to deliver a device suitable for drinking water in the toughest environments in developing counties. Materials used in the Villagepump are chosen for wear resistance and durability. So the Villagepump can stand dense humidity’s, high temperatures and a lot of operating hours a day.
Purifying water up to 500 litre per hour its compliant with the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards for micro-biological content (bacteria, viruses), TSS (Total Suspended Solids) and NTU (Turbidity).
The Villagepump 500 filters water from surface water like ponds, lakes, streams and rivers, but also from storage systems, for example harvesting rainwater.
Consumers typically consist of schools, education centres, smaller communities, city quarters, refugee camps, water kiosks, water ATM's, health care centres and disaster struck areas.
... assured of pure water
... magically easy drinking water
... in remote and off grid places
Villagepump brings safe water to communities that have no access to water for drinking, cooking, washing and other applications that saves and improves lives.
Sustainability and affordability are key to success.
Lisdoddelaan 80
1087KA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
CoC number: 53303857
VAT-ID number: NL850830539B01
+31 (0)6 20 80 93 27